The skin, along with being the most extensive part of the human body, is also one of the most sensitive . The end of the summer and progression into fall is when people tend to realize any mistreatments of their skin over the past months, either from overexposure to the sun, pool chlorine, insect bites or salty ocean water (or a combination of these). Over time, skin can also begin to develop allergies and sensitivities caused by certain shower gels, soaps or lotions along with cleaning products that contain harsh chemicals. Many of the things that can irritate skin are ones that you tend to come in contact with daily, meaning it may be a good idea to enlist the help of a skin specialist. Today in this article from ShMadrid we’ll be talking about dermatologists in the Spanish capital.
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The best dermatologists in Madrid
Oftentimes, dermatologists are consulted for aesthetic questions, such as stretchmarks, cellulitis, acne, aging skin or sunspots, and other skin problems that come with aging, whether it’s growing into adolescence or simply hitting an older age. Fortunately, dermatology can solve and answer all of these problems and inquiries, with the variety of treatments that can fix different types of skin aggravations that cause both insecurity and discomfort. However, there are also more grave skin infections that can have detrimental effects. The most common of these are the atopic dermatitis, rosacea, skin cancer, hair loss psoriasis and scabies. All of these are conditions that can become worse over time, such as melanoma, which can be fatal. In the case of other skin conditions, there are different levels of intensity, but more noticeable and painful conditions can affect the self-esteem and wellbeing of the people they afflict.
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In Madrid there are a number of dermatology specialists that can consult on all kinds of skincare and illness needs. For example, at calle O’Donnell you can visit Clínica Dermatológica, a clinic that treats a wide variety of skin conditions, from the roots of clinical dermatology and surgery, such as acne, alopecia, skin cancer, dermatitis, rosacea and vitiligo (blotchiness due to loss of skin color). On the other hand, afflictions related to aesthetic dermatology, such as skin aging, stretch marks, removing skin blemishes and cellulitis. Another prestigious clinic is IDEI, Instituto Dermatológico Integral. This center takes care of skin conditions and issues such, both clinical and aesthetic, as well as a dietetics and nutrition unit and another for plastic surgery. They also offer their own line of products called ADN. Lastly, we want to talk about Clínica Dermatológica Internacional, a clinic with an integral skin cancer unit, aesthetic dermatology, pediatric dermatology and the most innovative techniques and treatments to fight against unwanted skin conditions.
Have you visited any of these dermatologists? Is there another dermatology clinic you recommend in Madrid?