In Madrid you will find restaurants of all kinds and cuisines: from world-famous fast-food chains such as McDonald’s and KFC to the finest haute cuisine establishments, from the most typical Spanish food (e.g. Museo del jamón) to food from far away countries (Arabian, Chinese, Brazilian…).
A type of cuisine that is surprisingly common is that from Argentina: there are almost eighty Argentinian restaurants in the city and its surroundings.
The main reason why this cuisine is popular in Spain might be that, just like the typical one in this country, a lot of its dishes are based on meat: entraña, chorizo criollo, vacío… Moreover, Argentinian food is quite similar to the Italian one (which is also very popular in Spain) in that it has some great pasta dishes such as ñoquis and sorrentinos.
If you are a lover of Argentinian cuisine, ShMadrid shares three restaurants that might become your favourites.
Related article: Peruvian Cuisine in Madrid
Where to enjoy Argentinian food in Madrid
La Cabana Argentina

Photo via Pixabay
This is the perfect place to enjoy a romantic dinner (a cozy restaurant with classic decorations and lots of photos) unless your date is a vegetarian, for the vast majority of dishes in La Cabana Argentina‘s menu are made of meat.
At this restaurant, carnivores will enjoy huge quality meals such as churrasco, asado de campo, milanesa (classic or Neapolitan style), bife, and Tango Argentino. The desserts are also delicious!
Location: Calle de Ventura de la Vega, 10 (in the neighbourhood of Cortes)
Buenas y santas
Welcome to the paradise for those who look for ecologic, home-made, Argentinian food. The establishment of Buenas y santas is not that big, and in its menu, we find simpler meals: it is an ideal restaurant for workdays.
Although the Argentinian cuisine has predominantly meat dishes, Buenas y santas offers various vegetarian options: mushroom croquetas, vegetal empanadillas, pumpkin quiche, salads, vegetal wrap, and pumpkin ravioli. On its blog, you will find information on its timetable, its menu, and new meals they add to their offer.
Location: Calle Bolívar, 9 (in the neighbourhood of Las Delicias)
Related article: Cheap Eats in Madrid’s Centre
Trenque Lauquen

Photo via Pixabay
Specialised in pizza and empanadas, Trenque Lauquen is a great restaurant to have lunch with friends. It is located in front of the beautiful park El Retiro and you can sit either inside or outside to enjoy the sun.
The people that work at the bar (the waiters and waitresses and the manager) are really attentive and you will most likely find something that you like in their vast menu, which consists of six salads, six empanadas, and almost thirty pizzas! Moreover, you can choose to eat half a pizza or pick one of their special offers.
Location: Avenida Menéndez Pelayo, 41 (in the neighbourhood of Ibiza)
What is your favourite Argentinian restaurant in Madrid?