Mad Cool is a new indie-rock festival that is coming to the Caja Mágica in Madrid this June (16-18) and It has a really awesome line-up, so it’s definitely worth checking out.
According to the organizers, it’s intended to be a festival beyond music, “a new global experience, the result of making coexist in the same space different artistic expressions in a sustainable and responsible manner”. This means there will be plenty of things to experience besides music – expect visual art, photographic exhibits, movie showings and plenty of gastronomic diversity.
Day 1 (June 16)

Photo credit: Jonathan Bayer via / CC BY-NC-SA
This new Madrid festival has an insane line-up and it shows its guns right on opening day with some major acts such as…
The Who – Even Legendary Brits The Who didn’t want to miss the debut of Mad Cool Festival. Having recently celebrated their 50th anniversary as a band, they are still capable of rocking your boots, no matter what’s your generation.
Editors – One of the most consistent bands to come out of the post-punk revival of the early noughties, the Tom Smith led band brings their unique brand of electronic indie-rock to Madrid.
Day 2 (June 17)
From the most vicious rave music to the softest indie-rock, this second day is packed with must-see acts.
The Prodigy – No one in the 90’s did more to push the boundaries of electronic music than the Prodigy, an unpredictable band to whom the normal rules of music simply do not apply. Get ready to be infected.
Jane’s Addiction – The hard rockers with one of the most unique band names ever will be performing their classic 1990 record “Ritual de lo habitual” in its entirety. Don’t miss this piece of rock history.
Day 3 (June 18)

Photo credit: perole via / CC BY-NC-SA
The festival closes on a high note with a line-up that perfectly combines the trailblazers of the past with those leading the way in 2016.
Neil Young – Country singer, folk-rocker, “the godfather of grunge”… Neil Young is a true living legend who has done it all. Has he found a Heart of Gold yet, though? We don’t know. Maybe he will in Madrid, where he’ll be sure to mix the numerous hits with new songs from his most recent record “The Monsanto Years”.
Two Door Cinema Club – These Irish lads are one of the most relevant bands in today’s indie-rock scene. With a new album coming out later this year, hearing some of their new songs at Mad Cool Festival is not out of the realm of possibility.
More Info
Remember that these are just the highlights of the line-up. Check the full schedule at the Festival’s official website to learn of other acts you wouldn’t want to miss. On the info section of the same website, you will find a nicely detailed explanation of how to get to the venue.
Have fun!