Why rent an apartment in the district of Carabanchel in Madrid?
The district of Carabanchel is one of the most popular districts in Madrid. It is in the south of the city, between the motorways M-30, M-40, A-42 and Via Carpetana. So, if you want to live in a well-connected area, you should rent an apartment in Carabanchel.
It borders the River Manzanares and the district of Arganzuela to the north; the town of Leganés to the south; the district of Usera to the east; and the district of Latina to the west. The district’s name is derived from the municipalities of Carabanchel Bajo and Carabanchel Alto, which were added to the city of Madrid in 1948.
In 1971, after restructuring Madrid’s districts, Carabanchel was reduced in size, as new districts had developed from the old district of Carabanchel, like Latina, Carabanchel and Usera. It is a quiet district with an adequate commercial offer and good public transport.
If you are thinking of renting an apartment in Madrid, then the district of Carabanchel may be a good choice if you are looking to live in an area with services and good connections.
Discover the district of Carabanchel with ShMadrid
Carabanchel is, with 243,998 inhabitants, the district with the most residents in the capital, according to data from the City Council of Madrid, and it is also one of the most densely populated districts in Madrid. It consists of seven neighbourhoods.
The district of Carabanchel is peaceful, despite having a large number of residents. It has all the services that a resident could possibly need, and it is very well connected to other areas within the Spanish capital.
On the southern banks of the river Manzanares, you can rent a flat in Comillas. This is a quiet and comfortable residential area, where you can discover and relax in Parque Comillas.
Adjacent to the previous district, you can rent a flat in Opañel. This part of the city is in between Calle de General Ricardos and Calle de Antonio de Leyva. An interesting sight worth visiting is the cemetery of San Lorenzo and San José.
Another option is to rent your flat in San Isidro and this will enable you to fully enjoy San Isidro Park. It should also be said that this neighbourhood has perfect public transport connections, thanks to metro stations Carpetana, Oporto, Urgel and Marqués de Vadillo.
Many people prefer to rent an apartment in Vista Alegre, as it is well-known for its palace of congresses. This is the central zone of Carabanchel, and in the middle, you will find metro station Carabanchel.
During your stay in Madrid you can decide to rent an apartment in Puerta Bonita, and this neighbourhood is known for combining lower apartment blocks with abundant green zones.
You can also rent your flat in Buenavista, a vast neighbourhood that has three metro stops La Peseta, Carabanchel Alto and San Francisco.
Finally, your last option within the district of Carabanchel is to rent a flat in Abrantes, a neighbourhood that crosses Via Lusitana diagonally. This is also where the great Parque Emperatriz María de Austria is.
Each of these neighbourhoods has a population of more than 30,000 residents, but the most densely populated is Vista Alegre with almost 50,000 residents. Each neighbourhood is made up of urban quarters.
What to see in the district of Carabanchel?
Located just on the edge of the district is Toledo Bridge, one of the most symbolic places in Carabanchel. It links both banks of the Manzanares River: the roundabout of Marqués de Vadillo in Carabanchel and the roundabout of Pirámides.
The hermitage of San Isidro is another sight in the district of Carabanchel. It was built by order by the Empress Isabel of Portugal in 1528. The hermitage is next to a spring, and according to cultural legends, it has miracle spring water.
There are several cemeteries in Carabanchel that are regular stops for tourists who visit the city, and one of them is El Sacramental de San Lorenzo y San José with its fascinating pantheons and different styles of funerary sculptures.