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Why rent an apartment in the neighbourhood of Vista Alegre, Madrid?

If you decide to rent an apartment in Vista Alegre, you will be able to enjoy some of the greatest shopping zones, as well as Finca de Vista Alegre, Fernando VIIth historical palatial complex.

The neighbourhood of Vista Alegre is part of the district of Carabanchel, which is in the south of Madrid. It is bordered by Avenida de Nuestra Señora de Valvanera and Calle de la Oca in the northeast, Calle del General Ricardos and Calle de Eugenia de Montijo in the southeast, Avenida de los Poblados in the southwest and Camino de los Ingenieros and Via Carpetana in the northwest.

You can visit the Palacio de Vista Alegre in this neighbourhood, a former bullring that, besides for bullfighting, is used for concerts and other activities. A shopping centre is on the lower floors of the Palacio de Vista Alegre. In the surroundings of the Palace both residents and visitors can enjoy lots of bars and restaurants.

The area is well-connected by bus and metro, with the stops of OportoVista AlegreCarabanchelEugenia de Montijo and Carpetana.

If you want to rent an apartment in the district of Carabanchel, and you wish to do so in a vibrant part of the city with commercial options and plenty of services, then the neighbourhood of Vista Alegre could be your ideal spot.

Discover the neighbourhood of Vista Alegre with ShMadrid

Vista Alegre is one of the most complete neighbourhoods in the city of Madrid, and it is located in the south of the Spanish capital.

The neighbourhood is well-connected by an excellent public transport network with several buses and metro stops, as well as shopping areas.

The most important streets are: Avenida de los Poblados, which is one of the longest streets in Madrid, and it crosses the districts of Villaverde, Usera, Carabanchel and La Latina.

Calle del General Ricardos, which is further down from Avenida de Carabanchel Alto, links the district with the centre of Madrid. Via Carpetana/Camino de los Ingenieros separates the district of Carabanchel from La Latina.

It starts at Avenida de los Poblados and ends at Paseo de la Ermita del Santo, right next to motorway M-30.

What to see in the neighbourhood of Vista Alegre in Madrid

An interesting sight to see in Vista Alegre is the finca that carries the same name. You can find Finca de Vista Alegre at Calle del General Ricardos. It consists of a palatial complex from the time of Fernando VII, so it used to be a Royal Palace.

Close to Finca de Vista Alegre you can find the very deteriorated Palacio Viejo (Old Palace), the Palace of the Marquis of Salamanca, with gardens that have been declared "historical gardens", and some other buildings.

Most of the buildings house institutes, sanatoriums and care homes.

At the moment a group of residents has applied for the buildings to be declared Property of Cultural Interest and Madrid’s City Council is in preparation of recovering and reusing the buildings.

Other places to stay in the district of Carabanchel are:

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